Friday, May 25, 2007

Why I'm Here

The past few weeks have been a rollercoaster of bad luck during some races, lack of will at others and then the usual assortment of ups and downs that keep us cyclists/masochists coming back for more. I've taken some time recently to reflect on where I've been and where I'm going...

So here we are, just a couple of weeks to go before the start of the race and I just want to affirm several things, both for my benefit and the benefit of any poor sap who might be reading this. Here are some random thoughts on what brings me to the 2007 RAAM and Team Strong Heart...

Why I'm Here:
-For the kids and counselors and anyone who might be remotely impacted by Camp Odayin
-For my own psychological benefit, knowing that I can compete and achieve success on and off the bike
-For my parents, who raised me to believe that the hardest fought victory is sometimes the sweetest and most satisfying
-For my cycling teammates, present and past, who have taught me the meaning of friendship, selflessness and courage, on and off the bike
-For my friends off the bike who have shown me hospitality and generosity through the entire RAAM training and development process
-For my co-workers at Boulder Fire Rescue who understand why I need to eat that organic pasta and push away from the chow table when "Trainwreck" is being served up
-For my roommates in Boulder who put up with my incessant mess of bikes and gear at our home
-For the one friend in Boulder who is always up for a coffee and a ride, even if he whines through the entire ride about how tired he is
-For the people I've met, ridden with, trained with and bounced ideas off of along the way
-For the selfless crew who will help us get across the nation in one piece
-For my teammates on Team Strong Heart who will be sharing this arduous, epic race with, from beginning to end with no questions asked

I am forever changed by all of you and I am ready to lay it on the line on June 12.


B Train said...

Amen brother!

As we are changed for the better by having you on the team as well.

I am continually amazed by the depth of mission, caring and compassion shown by this team! I couldn't have dreamed up a better team of racers and crew!

Red said...

No pressure or anything. Eek.

The panic didn't actually hit until reading this post. Two months I've been on board for this trip, and now that it's becoming a reality in less than a week, Rational Thought has only just kicked in to say, "By the way, you are SO screwed. Have fun!"

At least it waited until I absolutely can't back out.

Home Skillet said...

my prayers are with you Tim - i ride with neil and berhard back home and i am in awe of your reasons for doing this - impressive and it obviously speaks of your true character. i hope to meet you some day - thanks for also being an inspiration to the Loons back in MN - i know you have a loon tatooed on your heart. its 330 pm - half hour until start safe.